Sun is up high and brighter than ever, temperatures are rising up, you are starting to break a sweat and all you want to do is to slide on those board shorts, put in your favorite tank top, and slip on your flip flops. But want if this attire is not suitable for the work place.
Well, today we are going to share with you ways on how to stay cool and yet stay sharp.
Something that you should have in your closet is a linen jacket. Guys, this is a must have in your wardrobe. Linen is a fiber that keeps you cool and lets your skin breath; as long as you have a cotton shirt underneath we are all good. Cotton is another fiber that allows your skin to breath as well. Have this in mind, when you are purchasing a blazer during the summer, make sure you have these two fibers on the component tag or at least a blend of these fibers. Avoid and keep away all the polyester garments and any polymer fibers
Try to stay on the neutral colors so you can mix and match, this way you won’t look the same every time you were your blazer and you won’t get bored wearing the same garments over and over. Beige, Grays, and Blues, pick your hues, shades, and tones. Once you figure out what colors you would prefer we will mix and match.
Mix and Match
This is where the fun begins; all you have to do is stay with your senses. Pair up your blazer with any of your Jeans, Khaki, or Slacks, continue on the same color scheme or if you feel daring enough just pair the blazer on a complementary color scheme and/or analogous colors scheme. If you use this formula not only your blazer would be fresh but most importantly you. This is the whole point for these warm days, stay cool.

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